Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SPCH 5000: Blog Post 10

Something that I would like to share from this weeks lesson, is the separation between gender in schools. I personally don't believe that boys should be in one classroom and girls should be in another separate from them. I believe that at a young age, both genders being able to participate together is a good thing. Eventually in their life they are going to have to work with one another, live with one another and so on. I'm not saying that sometimes children don't pick on each other based on their gender types, but honestly its a way of life. Children, both boys and girls, will learn at a young age how to deal with one another and that is why I believe that their should never be separation between gender in schools! Well that is just my opinion on the situation, I would love to hear others opinions as well!


  1. I am on board Kali! Like I mentioned in my post, you can't avoid a situation and expect to not ever have conflict. I think it is fun and healthy for us to learn about each other (males and females) at young ages. We as humans need diversity,we are curious, and we will seek it anyway. We need to learn that we are not voodoo to the other gender and too much separation could teach that!

  2. Kali! Yes I agree, we can't avoid a situation at all. I do like the idea of separate reading groups during a school day of boys and girls, just so they can be catered to. I do think that children learn the social skills they need by being intertwined.

  3. I agree as well, diversity in every aspect helps people become well-rounded, accepting and helps solidify morals, ideals and beliefs when they are faced with complex situations.

    I would like to include that students are typically more academically successful when they are separated by sex. Test scores are better, professions are better and typically they make more money. I know you can't measure everything by money but people are more likely to say they are satisfied with their lives when they are well off. There are a lot of factors in these studies like when boarding schools are 'all boy' or 'only girls' they usually cost more money and more money is gone into education for better teachers, more options and allow students to specialize early on leading to better careers, and who knows, if these opportunities were equal in 'co-ed' schools maybe they would be just as successful or even more so.
