Saturday, February 25, 2012

SPCH 5000 Blog # 7

Something that I thought was very interesting this week, was watching the short films of the office. Its amazing how much gender examples that you can pinpoint throughout the entire show and then compare them to the ones seen in the book. Another thing that I really enjoyed learning about this week, was the comparisons on how a man and a women "should act." Many individuals see women as having to always look their best, to put on make up each and every day and to act like a lady. I used the example in class that I am a softball player at Utah State, and with our schedules of being up at 5 am each and everyday, getting ready for school isnt something that we care to do all the time. That doesnt mean we look like men and that doesnt mean we are not considered women or ladies, just based on our choice of clothing For games we get all dolled up. We wear makeup and do our hair and yet we are still "ball players." You shouldnt have to label someone to act and look a certain way, cause at the end of the day its your choice and your life. But I truely did enjoy this lesson this week!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

SPCH 5000: Blog post # 6

The main topic that I wanted to talk about this week, is from the short comedy The Office. It was interesting to see how many gender differences were seen throughout the clip, and how many individuals didn't care about the words they were using towards others or how they were placing people in certain categories. Somthing that really stuck out to me, is when they were comparing the two women. The men in the office clearly saw as an atractive woman and the other not so much. They didnt care about the words they were using or about the feelings that might be hurt, they just bluntly said what they felt and left it at that. In todays societly things like this happen all the time, its just wether or not we take the time to see it. Not only did I enjoy the film, but it was definitly helpful to see these gender differences that were shown throughout it as well.

Friday, February 10, 2012

SPCH 5000: Blog 5

After reading the chapter for this week and discussing the different topics in class, I think that the most interesting thing to me that stood out would have to be the two ads that we went over. My favorite AD out of the two that we discussed was the Pamala Anderson AD that was related to " don't eat meat, be a vegetarian." When we broke into groups and went over what exactly this AD was trying to tell us, we simply just said that it can be broken up into many different ways. One way that we choose to take was that it could be telling people, mainly men, to not treat women like a piece of meat and that they are more then just a nice figure. I honestly just loved the conversations that we had about this AD and found it quite amusing as well. But yes that is my blog for the week! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

SPCH 5000 Blog: 4

After reading chapter 3, the one topic that I truly found the most interesting was the National Organization for Women, also known as (NOW). Not only was this powerful movement established in the 60's, but it demonstrated that women, no matter what their ethnicity, should have all the rights that men have. To me, this is a very powerful message that had a huge impact not only for all the women that participated back in the 60's, but for the women today as well. They created something that would change the lives for many individuals around the world, and although we still today struggle with "women's rights", it was a beginning mark that made a difference and a mark that nobody would forget. Not only do I believe that NOW is a program that all women should take the time to explore, but is a program that has made so many accomplishments along the way that are absolutely amazing. This is my opinion on the NOW program, I would love to hear from anyone else who has thoughts/opinions on this matter.