Thursday, February 16, 2012

SPCH 5000: Blog post # 6

The main topic that I wanted to talk about this week, is from the short comedy The Office. It was interesting to see how many gender differences were seen throughout the clip, and how many individuals didn't care about the words they were using towards others or how they were placing people in certain categories. Somthing that really stuck out to me, is when they were comparing the two women. The men in the office clearly saw as an atractive woman and the other not so much. They didnt care about the words they were using or about the feelings that might be hurt, they just bluntly said what they felt and left it at that. In todays societly things like this happen all the time, its just wether or not we take the time to see it. Not only did I enjoy the film, but it was definitly helpful to see these gender differences that were shown throughout it as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kali,
    I like your word usage of "how many individuals didn't care about the words they were using towards others"- it is so true. That is one item I think that has gotten dropped through all of these, everybody needs equal rights movements, is that no one feels they need to respect each other any more. We don't seem to look at the postitives of a person as much as we used to, it is more competing for our needs and wants and that is just how it is. We are not ashamed to say it to their face whether we create a positive or negative outcome in their lives. It is just a reminder of how we still need to be concientious of others as well and that the inside should matter more than the out!
