Thursday, February 2, 2012

SPCH 5000 Blog: 4

After reading chapter 3, the one topic that I truly found the most interesting was the National Organization for Women, also known as (NOW). Not only was this powerful movement established in the 60's, but it demonstrated that women, no matter what their ethnicity, should have all the rights that men have. To me, this is a very powerful message that had a huge impact not only for all the women that participated back in the 60's, but for the women today as well. They created something that would change the lives for many individuals around the world, and although we still today struggle with "women's rights", it was a beginning mark that made a difference and a mark that nobody would forget. Not only do I believe that NOW is a program that all women should take the time to explore, but is a program that has made so many accomplishments along the way that are absolutely amazing. This is my opinion on the NOW program, I would love to hear from anyone else who has thoughts/opinions on this matter.

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