Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SPCH 5000 Blog post 15

To conclude my experience with SPCH 5000, I can honesty say that this is one of the best classes that I have ever taken here at Utah State. Not only did I learn so many great things about women's rights and the different gender issues that so many individuals face on a daily basis, but I applied many of these experiences to my every day life as well. Its not easy being an individual among the many that make up our world and the society in which we live in. Every day we are surrounded by people that judge us and the media that tells us to act and look a certain way. See in the end being yourself and going against what our society states as "socially correct" is what will set you a part from all the rest.  I loved every once of this class and cant wait to take another one like it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SPCH 5000 blog post #14

What I loved about the Epilogue at the end of the chapter, was the comment that Taft made. I believe that if both men and women worked together for the different rights and movements that they are fighting for, our nation would be a whole lot stronger. I don't think that men and women should stand alone, because together we could accomplish so much more. I believe that women are a huge part of a mans life just as a man is a huge part of a women s life. If both men and women backed each other up, their voices together would be unstoppable. Taft mentions that if we just talked more and combined forces to work with change, just think of the possibilities that would come about. Gendered lives was such an amazing book, that I believe everyone should get the chance to experience. Although it is going to take time for our world to completely change, it the steps in between the process which matters the most. Women's rights and mens rights are going to make a huge impact on our lives, and I cant wait for that day to come! Well I would love to hear everyone's input on this cause!


SPCH 5000 Blog post #13

Chapter 12 was probably the most interesting chapter that stood out out to me through the entire book. I think the thing that I kept reading over and over again was the story that Brice shared in the book. Its sad hearing about something so painful, such as a father beating a mother. Being a young child and having to grow up with that, it would hard to deal with and it would be hard to overcome as well. Brice said that he never wanted to end up like his father and that he would never treat a women like the way his father treated his mom. But eventually he did show signs of his father and he didn't understand why. I believe that when you are such a young child and you grow up  seeing things such as Brice did, it would be very difficult to not end up the same way, because that is all you know. I do think that their is therapy out their that could help someone going through this obstacle and I do believe that you can change and that you don't need to be just like the "idol-figure" that you looked up to your entire life. Being able to cope with something as powerful as this, isn't something that would be easy to do alone. Knowing that their are people that are willing to help you and that their are people that love you is something that these individuals need to understand. But I truly did love this chapter and I would love to hear anyone elses thoughts on the situation.

SPCH 5000 Blog post #12

The most interesting thing that I found in Chapter 11 was the example that Regina uses when she is referring to a commercial AD on the television. I completely agree with Regina when she says that she gets upset at the commercials that show women jumping up and down, looking completely stupid when they are cleaning the house. Lets be real, nobody likes to clean the house in the first place, and no mom with a family looks like that when she is vacuuming. I know that when I am at home in California and my mom is cleaning house, its best to just stay away. That might sound a little weird, but really who wants to be bugged when they are trying to get things done? I know I don't. But I do believe that they shouldn't have commercials like these, and if they do they shouldn't resemble a women in that way. But those are my thoughts on the chapter, I would love to hear everybody elses thoughts.

Monday, April 2, 2012

SPCH 5000: Blog Post 11

Gender roles and gender characteristics is a very interesting topic to discuss. Not only do many individuals within the media world consum these characteristics and portray them in their everyday lives, but it is something that makes the media stand out above all the rest. Characters in movies are told to play roles of people that they may not relate to at all, but they take on the roles and play them to the best of their abilities. Watching all the different movies and television shows that are being played around the world and seeing the individuals taking on the different gender roles, is what makes these shows and movies so great. But that is my opinion on the gender role situations!