Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SPCH 5000 Blog post #13

Chapter 12 was probably the most interesting chapter that stood out out to me through the entire book. I think the thing that I kept reading over and over again was the story that Brice shared in the book. Its sad hearing about something so painful, such as a father beating a mother. Being a young child and having to grow up with that, it would hard to deal with and it would be hard to overcome as well. Brice said that he never wanted to end up like his father and that he would never treat a women like the way his father treated his mom. But eventually he did show signs of his father and he didn't understand why. I believe that when you are such a young child and you grow up  seeing things such as Brice did, it would be very difficult to not end up the same way, because that is all you know. I do think that their is therapy out their that could help someone going through this obstacle and I do believe that you can change and that you don't need to be just like the "idol-figure" that you looked up to your entire life. Being able to cope with something as powerful as this, isn't something that would be easy to do alone. Knowing that their are people that are willing to help you and that their are people that love you is something that these individuals need to understand. But I truly did love this chapter and I would love to hear anyone elses thoughts on the situation.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Kali. This semester and other experiences has taught me how important parenting is, and just our examples as people. We just don't realize the influence we could have on someone's life especially when they are living with us no matter how long the period of time is. I am pretty much a mold of my mother. I am greatful everyday for what she taught me and pretty much everything I do, I learned from her. I look for better ways but find myself going back to her teachings because I agree with her.

    Watching the film on Thursday, and reading chapter 12 brought out the reality of how one person or lifestyle can effect generations to come. The man on the reservation proved that sometimes you yourself needs to realize that it if it is wrong it can be stopped by you. It doesn't have to carry on just because it has been done for how many generations, if it is wrong there needs to be a stop to it. It took his openmindedness to realize his actions were wrong and there was a better way. After 25 years of him changing, he still felt remorse and tender feelings for his actions towards his wife.

    We do have a responsibility all around us to remember Example is key no matter what it is we are doing especially when it comes to treating others with respect.
